Antiimperialist propaganda

Antiimperialist propaganda

This album of cartoons represents a gift  offered by German Antifascist Committee of RPR to  Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej , the leader of Romanian Communist Party , at the age of 50 years.

Adenauer and americans

True faith

Vatican's agent

Vatican's agent

England stands on weak legs.

United Nations soliders

United Nations soliders

Bohn constitution benefits

Bonn and bona

Labour party leadership

The crow and fox

The owl

Useless effort.

Eisenhower - "In this model i want 20 divisions"

Without us!

Friends front is warching

Here who speaks from the mouth of rich peasants.

I'm afraid of this bird

U.S. intelligence tools

"The Firefly"

You will not kill our children!

Peace a deposited file, you go to war.


Pray the top!

Schumacher opposed to Adenauer.

Turkish crescent above the Bosphorus.

Raising hands

We are united, united, united!

Our target is peace!

Tito - U.S. foothold

Tito - instead of a five-year plan, five year plans.

Gallic wall - 5 million French Communist


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