An German solider in Romanian campaign 1916-1917

An German solider in Romanian campaign 1...

German offensive in Romania over the peaks of the Carpathians, 1916 was captured on camera by a German soldier: Jako Sitzmann. The photos shows images of soldiers Bavarian Alpine Corps,  The soldiers crossed the Carpathians  via   Turnu Rosu  – Salatruc line  Via:...
Austro-Hungarian campain in Romania – 1916

Austro-Hungarian campain in Romania R...

Romania remained neutral for the first two years of the World War I ,and it joined the Entente Powers and declared war on 27 August 1916. We already  presented some sets of pictures presenting the Romanian army during the fights against German troops in World war I The following pictures represents the situation on the other part of the front , in Transylvania , where the Central Powers were started the fights against Romanian army . Romanian position at Iacobeni Via :...
Romanian Army in World War I . Part V

Romanian Army in World War I . Part V

Romanian Army in World War I . Part IV

Romanian Army in World War I . Part IV

Romanian Army in World War I . Part III

Romanian Army in World War I . Part III

Romanian Army in World War I . Part II

Romanian Army in World War I . Part II

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