Queen Mary visiting Sioux indians

Queen Mary visiting Sioux indians

The visit of the Romanian Queen in the United States has much feeling at the time and long after its close, has aroused public interest. The meeting with dances and songs, speeches and exchange of gifts took place on November 1, 1926, in North Dakota Mandan village, not far from the city of Bismarck, the state capital. There, the royal guests were greeted by a group of Sioux Indians. Major AB Welch served by the translator of the speeches delivered and related dialogue between natives and visitors.       Via:...
Rupea Fortress

Rupea Fortress

Rupea fortress is located 50 km from Brasov, built on a massive basalt,. It is a peasant fortress with four polygonal towers reinforced areas. The fortress was modified over time by adding two courtyards and three towers. The first document dates from 1324. Documents XV century fortress mentioned as an important commercial and crafts, having 12 guilds. The city served as a fortress in time and refuge for the people living in the surrounding hills and valleys, its place being strategic In 2009 began the rehabilitation of the city, the photos below showing the city...