Ceausescu’s bear in North Korea

Ceausescu’s bear in North Korea

A carpathian bear trophy is at the International Friendship Museum in North Korea . A Romanian brown bear trophy is presented at the International Friendship Museum in North Korea.The trophy was offered by Nicolae Ceausescu to Kim Il Sung , the president of the country . The legend says that Ceausescu himself hunted the bear to offer to give it to the president of North Korea. In the movie you can see another gifts received during the time by the leaders of North Korea. Via:...
The Brigadiers

The Brigadiers

In communist period were formed groups of students wich , in the summer holiday , were sent on to various construction sites in the country . Members of these teams were the brigadiers. Via Communism in...
National History Museum

National History Museum

Via:  cercetati.blogspot.com
Romanian Communist Medals

Romanian Communist Medals

      Via : Communism in Romania
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