Photos from old Cluj Napoca Part I

Photos from old Cluj Napoca Part I

Located in the Someşul Mic River valley, the city is considered the unofficial capital to the historical province of Transylvania. In 1790–1848 and 1861–1867, it was the official capital of the Grand Principality of Transylvania.   Via ...
Romanian leaders in visit at Pope Paul VI

Romanian leaders in visit at Pope Paul V...

Wednesday, January 24, 1968, Pope Paul VI received in an informal audience Ion Gheorghe Maurer , Corneliu Manescu and Cornel Burtica.   Via:  Fototeca online a comunismului...
Snоw Stоrm in Romania

Snоw Stоrm in Romania

Southern Romania is pаrаlуsеd bу hеаvy snоw leaving а lоt оf pеоple stuck in their cars. Тhе country hаs еvеn drafted in thе army tо rescue hundrеds оf trаvеllers stranded bу blizzards that dumped up to a mеtеr оf snоw in 24 hours. Via:...
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